Advanced Prescription Hearing Aid Technology That Delivers Enormous Benefits

Like most, you probably cling to the outdated stigma of prescription hearing aids based on the ugly, bulky, and heavy devices your parents or grandparents struggled with.

However, today’s hearing aid technology is worlds away from what it was even ten years ago.

Like the innovations that have improved the performance and size of your smartphone, prescription hearing aid technology has rapidly progressed over the past decade, affecting the size and processing capacity of modern hearing instruments.

Smaller, lighter, more stylish, and discreet, often invisible, are all features of modern prescription hearing aids, but they also come with greatly improved processing power that was unheard of at the beginning of the 21st century.

In addition to being able to produce more natural-sounding clarity, modern devices can help control background noise, include advanced features like long-lasting rechargeable batteries, and have the capacity to stream sound from your smartphone, television, computer, and other digital devices directly into your hearing aids.

Hearing aids by ReSound, Widex, Oticon and Phonak at Audicles Hearing Services
Hearing aid options at Audicles Hearing Services

Audicles Partners With Major Hearing Aid Manufacturers

The choices we offer our patients include a broad range of technologies from brand name manufacturers, like:

With so many available options, you’ll appreciate the help our hearing aid specialists provide while you choose the style and options that you want.

We’ll Help You Choose

Because today’s technology also makes it possible for hearing aids to come in a variety of different sizes and colors as well as variations in cost, design, and features, you might be overwhelmed by the choices, which is why our hearing aid specialists are eager to help you find the device that best suits your needs, such as:

  • Power requirements to meet the severity of your hearing loss
  • Your manual dexterity and visual capabilities
  • The budget you have to work with
  • Wearing discretion and cosmetic concerns
  • Skin sensitivities
  • Anatomical/medical considerations
Latest hearing aids in San Antonio, TX

Receive a Valuation Quote on Your Existing Hearing Aids

Available on all manufacturers and model (includes over-the-counter, PSAP’s or prescription devices)

If you’re exploring new hearing technology, and you’re an existing hearing aid wearer, then you may benefit from receiving a valuation quote on your existing technology.

Based on the manufacturer, model, age and condition - we’ll calculate a generous valuation on your devices that you could utilize as part of a trade-in towards new technology.

Simply complete the form, and we’ll contact you with the valuation quote.

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FAQs About Hearing Aids

Q. How Will I Know If I Need A Hearing Aid?

A. Your family may have noticed you do not hear as well as you did before, and they’ll begin advising you to have your hearing checked. Other indicators include struggling to communicate well with others or keeping up with your typical lifestyle, but the only way to know for sure is to consult an audiologist for a professional, comprehensive hearing assessment.

Q. Will A Hearing Aid Restore My Hearing To Normal?

A. No. Hearing aids are “aids” that make things easier to hear through sound processing and amplification. They cannot restore the natural functioning of your ear. Though they can slow it down, hearing aids also do not prevent the progression of hearing loss over time.

Q. How Long Will My Hearing Aid Last?

A. The service life of a hearing aid is between five to six years. Though plenty of TLC, tune-ups, and repair can extend their life, most audiologists recommend upgrading every five years in order to take advantage of the newest technologies made available.

Q. Do Hearing Aids Use Special Batteries?

A. Most modern hearing aids use zinc-air batteries that are made specifically for hearing aids. They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different devices, but you can usually find the ones you need in most pharmacies and grocery stores.

Q. How Long Do Hearing Aid Batteries Last?

A. The length of time a hearing aid battery will last depends on the type of battery and how many hours per day you wear your hearing aid. Smaller batteries usually need to be replaced weekly, while larger batteries may last two to three weeks.

Q. How Long Does It Take To Get Used To A Hearing Aid?

A. There’s no way we can accurately predict how you are going to adapt to your hearing aids because each person’s experience is unique. The new sounds and amplification are a shock to the central auditory system of your brain, which needs some time to relearn how to process information it has never heard before or has not heard for many years.

Most manufacturers allow a 60-day trial period that allows you time to adjust to your hearing aids and evaluate their benefits. During this time, ongoing adjustments and support can help speed up the process.

Q. Why Do Hearing Aids Cost So Much?

A. Hearing aids are sold in relatively low volume (about 1.7 million hearing aids for some 30 million people with hearing loss), meaning that manufacturers must sell them at a higher cost to meet costs of production. Production cost includes the amount of time and money spent by manufacturers on research and development, which is considerable. The industry standard one- to two-year warranty for loss and repairs also has an effect on the purchase price.

Different Styles Of Hearing Aids

A Hearing Assessment Is An Essential Part Of Choosing The Right Prescription Hearing Aid

The internet and the prevalence of hearing aid dispensers allow people to self-diagnose and self-treat with an OTC hearing device. However, the potential to cause severe damage to your hearing is high. A professional audiologist can help you avoid paying for something that might do more harm than good through a comprehensive hearing assessment.

To choose a hearing instrument that will solve your hearing challenges rather than exacerbate them, use the adjacent form to schedule a hearing assessment with one of our doctors of audiology.

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With so many myths and misconceptions in the hearing care industry – our team
of professionals answer some of the biggest questions and share what you need
to know to maximize your hearing health.

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