Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 60s

Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 60s?

by | Mar 10, 2024 | Hearing Tests, Patient Resources

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in your 60s and wondering about getting your hearing tested. Hearing loss is an issue that affects almost 61 million people across America, regardless of age—you’re not alone if you think your hearing isn’t working like it used to! 

Challenges to do with hearing loss often become more prevalent after 70 years old, but with so many loud noises in our environments these days, a lot of people find that they’re struggling with their hearing even earlier. 

Missing parts of conversation and asking for people to repeat themselves is frustrating, and it’s isolating when you feel left out of conversation. If that sounds like you, then perhaps it’s time to look into professional hearing care.  

Treating your ears with the same care that you have for your eyes, teeth, and physical health will not only help you hear better, but you’ll perform better at work, join in on conversations again, and keep yourself safe when you’re commuting to and from the office. 

Hearing loss isn’t something to be ashamed of—rather, we see it as a sign that you’ve been living a fun, fulfilling life with lots of busy environments. If you’re debating looking into professional hearing care, then you’re already on the right track by reading this. 

What Happens in a Hearing Assessment?  

Our comprehensive hearing assessments take up to an hour and consist of a few different segments: a personalized consultation, a thorough and noninvasive earwax removal and ear cleaning, the hearing test itself, and a discussion at the end regarding next steps. 

We start with a conversation—finding out more about your hearing concerns, family history, and any challenges you may have noticed regarding your ears. Genetics often plays a part in hearing loss appearing when you’re young; we can narrow down causes and lead into a discussion of treatment in this chat. 

We’ll then take a look at your ears themselves, searching for wax blockages and signs of infection, which may be the culprit behind more sudden hearing loss. The hearing test takes the longest, but it’s well worth the time to find out your exact range of hearing ability. 

As well as checking out your hearing, we’ll investigate to see if your hearing loss challenge may have affected your holistic health, including your reflexes, speech, and cognitive abilities. We take pride in our in-depth hearing assessments catching any and all challenges that we can treat with care. 

After receiving your results, the final choice of what to do is yours, though we’re here to recommend treatment paths and offer assistance. Remember, professional hearing care will not only boost your hearing levels above what you have, but it’ll improve your overall health, as well. 

You’re never too young, or too old, to have a hearing loss challenge.  

Audicles Can Help You Rejoin the Conversation 

With the trust of thousands of patients across San Antonio, you can count on our team to help you through every step of your hearing health journey.

If you’re concerned about your hearing, don’t delay—contact us today and we’ll help you get started. 

You can request a callback from us first if you have questions or concerns you’d like answered before booking an appointment; a member of our team will get in contact with you for further conversation. 

Don’t want to wait? Call our clinic at (210) 820-0525. 

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Dr. Tracy Board Doctor of Audiology

Dr. Board began her career in audiology after completing her undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin and the doctoral program at The University of Texas at Dallas. She has been fortunate to work in a plethora of healthcare and educational settings. As a result, she has perfected the art of effective adult and pediatric treatment. When she is not at the clinic, Dr. Board works directly with her state and national organizations to not only improve the quality of audiological healthcare in Texas, but also to advocate for her patients.