Find Out How this Tech Giant Is Making Life Easier for the Hard of Hearing

Find Out How this Tech Giant Is Making Life Easier for the Hard of Hearing

by | Nov 12, 2020 | News

Worldwide estimates place the number of individuals affected by hearing loss at around 466 million people. Their quality of life is enhanced significantly with the use of hearing aids.

As micro-digital technology continues to have a powerful impact on the hearing aid industry, more and more innovative technologies to enhance the hard of hearing’s lives have also surfaced.

My staff and I are excited to share the latest Android app for hearing aids, making life easier for the hard of hearing in San Antonio and across the globe.

Sound Notifications App from Android

The crying of a baby, barking dogs, smoke alarms, running water, and others in distress are all sounds that signal the need for urgent attention.

For those who are hard of hearing, these sounds go unnoticed, having disastrous consequences. Fortunately, Android has just introduced its Sound Notifications app.

Though various sound alert apps are available, Sound Notifications integrates the capabilities of them into a single app with the capacity to detect a variety of critical sounds and sends a push notification to your Android device.

Sound Notifications alerts include a tone at a frequency and volume you are capable of hearing, a flash from the camera light on your device, and/or vibrations.

This allows the hearing impaired to rest easy or get a good night’s sleep without worrying that they will miss something requiring urgent attention. Android compatible devices, as well as wearables, are compatible with this app.

An additional feature is the app’s timeline view, allowing a snapshot history of sound leading up to the alert to investigate possible causes.

Obtaining access to Sound Notifications on your Android device includes the following steps:

  • Access Settings
  • Locate Accessibility on the menu and open it
  • Scroll to Sound Notifications and open it

Inside the Sound Notifications menu, you will be able to download Live Transcribe and Sound Notifications available through Google Play Store. Once you have downloaded the app, return to Settings to enable the feature.

Innovations for the Hard of Hearing

Sound Notifications is the newest, most comprehensive Android app designed to assist the hard of hearing. Still, others are available for meeting specific needs related to safety, convenience, and enhanced communication, like:

  • Smoke, Fire, and Carbon Monoxide Detector apps are available with extra loud alarms along with flashing strobes and bed vibration devices designed for placement under your pillow or mattress. These apps detect the pitch of your existing alarms and then produce additional alerts.
  • Doorbell and Phone Signalers designed to alert the hard of hearing with flashing lights, vibrations, and text messages are now available as smartphone apps. They also alert you when a window or door connected to a security system is opened in your home as well.
  • Weather Alert apps alert the hearing impaired when dangerous storms pose a threat.
  • Text to Speech apps also assists those hard of hearing when communicating with those without hearing issues.
  • Remote Assistance apps are among the newest additions, which have become very popular during lockdowns. This feature allows those who need adjustments to their hearing aids or technical support access to their hearing care provider without an office visit.
  • Wearable devices with Android devices and/or hearing aids compatibility enhance how the hard of hearing remains safe and communicate with the world around them.

Ask us About Hearing Technology

Technological advancements using digital technology have made life easier for the hearing impaired already, while innovations designed to meet their unique needs continue to surface.

Sound Notifications is a significant step toward a promising future in detecting critical sounds those hard of hearing might otherwise miss.

The team at Audicles provides hearing care and hearing technology compatible with Android devices, allowing you to take advantage of innovations like Sound Notifications as they become available.

For further insights about how to link up your hearing aids to your smartphone, contact our team!

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Dr. Tracy Board Doctor of Audiology

Dr. Board began her career in audiology after completing her undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin and the doctoral program at The University of Texas at Dallas. She has been fortunate to work in a plethora of healthcare and educational settings. As a result, she has perfected the art of effective adult and pediatric treatment. When she is not at the clinic, Dr. Board works directly with her state and national organizations to not only improve the quality of audiological healthcare in Texas, but also to advocate for her patients.