Can Hearing Loss Treatment Improve Relationships

Can Hearing Loss Treatment Improve Relationships?

by | Jun 12, 2020 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources, Physician Resources

Social psychology professor Gery Karantzas, in a recent article discussing relationship issues during COVID-19 lockdown, notes three main factors that affect struggling relationship outcomes: vulnerabilities, stressors and adaptability. A hearing loss exposes major vulnerabilities and adds to stressors, having a significant impact on relationships. Relationship adaptability is the key to overcoming these struggles and seeking help is one of the best ways to make this happen. Helping my patients to rebuild their relationships through effective hearing care is part of what drives my passion as an audiologist. I have put together 3 ways that hearing loss treatment can improve relationships in order to encourage those in the San Antonio area to seek help.

Eliminates Need to Shout

A major stressor in strained relationships relates to people shouting at each other. It is common for those with a hearing loss to talk in a louder voice or to shout out, “What?” because of muffled sound or the presence of background noise. On the other hand, the volume of the television, radio, or other electronic devices for the person without hearing loss can become a frustration and they tend to shout, “Turn it down!” When either or both people in a relationship raise their voice, especially to shout, it causes stress. Getting treatment helps eliminate the need for the shouting associated with hearing loss.

Reduces Communication Failures

Shouting causes obvious communication failures, but the opposite often becomes the case for hearing loss sufferers due to vulnerability issues. When individuals struggle to communicate, they seek ways to isolate from friends, family and social gatherings due to their feelings of vulnerability. A failure to communicate increases feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression and makes friends and family feel shut out of their lives. Treatment allows those with a hearing loss to reintegrate with those closest to them, reducing frustrations, encouraging better communication and reducing communication failures.

Decreases Dependence on Others

Another area causing major frustration for both the sufferer and their loved ones relates to dependence on others, which contributes to both vulnerability and stress factors. When a person has difficulty communicating, they need frequent assistance from family and friends to understand important information or directions. This dependence makes the hearing loss sufferer feel more vulnerable while adding to the stress of those who have to tend to him or her. Getting help eliminates this dependency.

Audicles Hearing Services Helps Restore Relationships

Being adaptable to changes in a relationship is the best way to work through vulnerability and stressor issues and hearing loss treatment is a step in the right direction. We want to help restore and improve your relationships by improving your capacity to communicate with your friends and loved ones. If you want to learn more about how we can help, please call us at 210-820-0525 or click here to schedule a Virtual Audicles appointment.

Karantzas, G. (2020, June 4). Love lockdown: the pandemic has put pressure on many relationships, but here’s how to tell if yours will survive. Retrieved June 11, 2020, from The Conversation:

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Dr. Tracy Board Doctor of Audiology

Dr. Board began her career in audiology after completing her undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin and the doctoral program at The University of Texas at Dallas. She has been fortunate to work in a plethora of healthcare and educational settings. As a result, she has perfected the art of effective adult and pediatric treatment. When she is not at the clinic, Dr. Board works directly with her state and national organizations to not only improve the quality of audiological healthcare in Texas, but also to advocate for her patients.